Prejudices, stereotypes and hatred affect the full recognition of dignity and freedom of citizens because of their homosexual or bisexual orientation, or because they are transgender. Despite clear EU principles and since 1st December 2009 their clearly binding nature under the Nice Charter, not all Member States ensure the proper implementation of the measures required by the European Union to remove all unlawful distinctions based on sexual orientation. In some cases this social and geographic inequality seems particularly difficult to eradicate. Ho-mophobic attitudes and discrimination manifest themselves in public and in private life: workplace, schools, within the family, friends, when addressing public authorities, on the political scene. The project EQUAL JUS – European network for the legal support of LGBT rights, partly financed by the EU Commission under the Programme “Fundamental Rights and Citizenship 2007-2013″ sought to combat homophobia and transphobia by moving from a general analysis of the fundamental rights as recognized by and within the EU and aimed at reaching an increasing awareness among people that European citizenship includes a new dimension for protection of fundamental rights and a push for social inclusion of all individuals. The partners of the Equal Jus Project were the University of Udine – Department of Legal Sciences (Italy) to-gether with Avvocatura per i diritti LGBTI (Italy, leading partner), IMED Istituto per il Mediterraneo (Italy), KPH Kampania Przeciw Homofobii (Poland), Réseau d’aide aux victimes d’agression et de discrimination (RAVAD) (France), Lithuanian Gay League (LGL) (Lithuania), SOS – Homophobie (France), Haute Autorité de Lutte contre les Discriminations et pour l‟Égalité (HALDE) (France, Associate partner).
The project ended in May 2011.
A significant part of the Equal Jus Project consists of the creation and implementation of the Lenford Research Centre (European Research Centre on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity). The Research Centre is intended to carry out various activities: research, legal tools development, data management, library activities, meeting point and, more generally, all those activities and studies connected to the project and the goal to increase the awareness of LGBT people’s rights.
Research Centre Director: Giacomo Viggiani
The Research Centre was originally located in Florence.
Since June 2011 it is located in Bergamo, Via Matris Domini n. 25 24121, ITALY.
Since October 2011 the Research Centre is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 pm to 7 pm and on Wednesdays from 10 am to 1 pm on request.
At the Research Centre it is also possible to buy the following books:
- F. Bilotta (a cura di), Le unione dello stesso sesso. Profili di diritto civile, comunitario e comparato, Mimesis, 2008
- M. Bonini Baraldi, La famiglia de-genere. Matrimonio, omosessualità e costituzione, Mimesis, 2010
- A. Schuster (a cura di), Omogenitorialità. Filiazione, orientamento sessuale e diritto, Mimesis, 2011
- A. Schuster e C. D’Ippoliti (a cura di), DisOrientamenti. Discriminazione ed esclusione sociale delle persone LGBT in Italia, Armando Editore, 2011
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Do not hesitate to contact the Lenford Research Centre:
– Tel. +39 035 19904497 (on Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-7 pm and on Wednesdays 10 am – 1 pm) , Fax +39 035 19904497