

Same-sex Couples and Mediation in the EU

3 Maggio 2015

libro1Disponibile, online, l’anteprima della copertina del libro “Same-sex Couples and Mediation in the EU“. E’ possibile richiedere una copia compilando il form sul sito dedicato al progetto “Litigious Love“: FORM

This book seeks to increase knowledge and understanding of disputes between same-sex partners, and the use of mediation by same-sex partners and surrounding issues in selected jurisdictions in the European Union. The jurisdictions analysed are Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Italy. The study investigates the sources of dispute between same-sex partners; looks at manner in which intra-family disputes are resolved through mediation and other dispute resolution mechanisms and analyses selected issues regarding mediation on: power imbalances; mediatory role and style; compulsory mediation; involvement of children. The research which led to this book and the book itself represent key activities developed within the project Litigious Love: Same-Sex Couples and Mediation in the EU which has received funding by the DG Civil Justice of the European Commission.